Thursday, May 28, 2009


okay... i'm sorry! i completely forgot!!!!
anyways, i'm super excited about everything right now!!! i'm making alot of really good friends at bethel, and of course that is super exciting!!!
this weekend we're coming to see Fiddler on the Roof presented by Ponca Playhouse, in which are going to be some of my very best friends. we'll stay the night with one of those very best friends kaley, and go to pawhuska on saturday for my sisters 'special friend' Lynn's birthday party at the lake! its going to be soo much fun! i'm looking forward to seeing some friends that i don't get to see every day :)
so last weekend, on saturday morning we went out with a bunch of people from Bethel, whom we thank very much :) and handed out 1,000 FLIERS! my word! that is alot of fliers! me and hannah nichols, had a blast talking to people and being crazy :P on saturday night was the JJ STUPOTE concert, which was INCREDIBLE! i know kaley and haley have been to concerts and camp, but they have gotten so much better! you guys will be shocked to hear them, they rock!! that was just an amazing time of fellowship with friends, to meet new people, and to glorify God through worship of His incredible name!!!
On Sunday JJ STUPOTE played at church, which was again, incredible. and on sunday night we had the first...
woohoo!!! lol, it was incredible. we cranked up the sound for JJ STUPOTE as they helped us start up! it was so exciting to be finally there, doing what we have been planning for so long!!! there were about 50 people there, none of which weren't there to help. In other words nobody we didn't already know, didn't come. but it was okay, i mean it was the the first service!!! we're going to have it once a month during the summer and then this winter we'll have it every sunday night!!!
i apologize if i have bored you with the little details of my humble existence...
love you guys tons!!!