Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm back again

So, I started out not extremely excited about the whole blogging thing. Meh, who blogs anyway right? But, I'm going to try again. No promises but, here we go. This post is gonna be slightly boring. But I promise they'll get more interesting.
As winter fades and spring is nigh, every student holds their breath in anticipation of what is to come.
It's almost here, we're on the verge, about to tip into the chasm of freedom. Sweet freedom. I can almost taste it.
My lovely sister Molly is about to get married. I'm SO happy for her! Like, I can't even say! Buut... she's also moving to CA. Epic Fail. *mushroom cloud of fail* Sigh. But I'll make it.
Summer for me includes permit test, ACT, wedding, church camp, and hopefully, much more.
So close.

From now on my blogs will include thoughtfulness, hilarious stories, poetry, and whatever else crosses my mind.



  1. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I'm happy you're blogging again :) And I like your background. A lot! <3

  2. You're baaaaaaack!!! I'm so happy! :) Welcome back to blogland. We are so happy to have you.

  3. Another thing your summer holds: ME!
    I can't wait to see you!
    I like your blog.
